I Can Fit In There

Look at those high spirits as they patiently wait for the inevitable to happen.

Look at those high spirits as they patiently wait for the inevitable to happen.

Wusses are excellent at judging space. Especially when it comes to space in which we can potentially find ourselves residing. Whether that be hiding in a small nook while a band of bullies goes waltzing by, or after the bullies extricate you from the nook, stuffing you in a nearby locker.

No matter the reason, we know how to gauge size. Now a bright and enterprising someone has gone and devoted an entire blog to the idea of letting others show us how they have managed to fit in some incredibly small spaces. It contains an impressive array of places from around the world which make you question the greatness of that whole David Blaine in a plexiglass cube thing.

 Wusses, visit the blog, research it well, and print off some references for later use. Above all, take pride in your ability to hide. "Hey, I can fit in there."